Education has been a major factor in characterizing civilizations, in building nations, in establishing humanity across continents and ultimately in racing against gravity to reach the space. The role of education can thus never be underplayed whether for individual or for community benefit.

The K.L.E Schools provide children with quality education and a learning atmosphere that is conducive for their overall development. To make learning a special experience we have introduced the method of interactive learning through computers. Such facility is made available not only in the urban schools but also to schools in the underdeveloped and generally educationally deprived rural areas. Thus children belonging to such areas develop with facilities at par with their urban counterparts, making education available where it is most need.

We aim to instill in all, values of civic responsibilities, a sense of national integrity, pride for our culture, a positive attitude towards life and most importantly personal integrity to compete in the globalized world.

Dr. Prabhakar B. Kore
Chairman, KLE Society, Belagavi