"A Magical World for Little Ones to Explore, Our Kindergarten School Opens Every Door!"
"Where Imagination Begins and Dreams Take Flight, Welcome to Our Kindergarten Delight!"
"Nurturing Little Minds with Love and Care, Our Kindergarten School is Beyond Compare!"

Friendly Teachers Who Love Their Students

Banyan is the Tree of Knowledge according to Indian folklore. The shade of this marvellous tree not only gives shelter but also provides for a lot of scintillating conversations and wisdom to all gathered beneath its munificent spread.

Our programmes are designed to sustain the child’s interest which is enjoyable yet educative, where learning is fun.

Creative Classes

Day Care provides supervised care and early education for young children during the day.

Cuddlebugs is the child’s first step into an independent experience away from home.

Caterpillars offer exciting cross curricular activities to help children actively learn about concepts.

Butterflies offers well-rounded activities where children and teachers answer question together.

Busybees is an extension of our pre-school program and is designed to give children a strong foundation…

Our Strengths


Our kindergarten school follows a well-rounded curriculum designed to foster a love for learning while building a strong foundation for academic success.


We provide safe and reliable transportation services, ensuring that children arrive and depart from school securely and punctually.

Playful Learning

We promote a playful learning environment where students engage in hands-on activities, interactive games, and creative exercises.

Safety & Security

We maintain strict safety protocols, including CCTV surveillance, restricted access areas, and trained staff to ensure a secure environment.

Qualified Teachers

Our teachers create a nurturing and stimulating atmosphere that encourages growth, instils confidence, and fosters a love for learning.

Peronalised Care

We take pride in providing personalized care to every student, ensuring that their emotional, social, and academic needs are achieved.